The summer program to get your student ahead of the learning curve
The Summer Slide sounds fun, doesn’t it?! Unfortunately, We are not talking about the local water park. The summer slide refers to the slide backwards many children make in reading and math skills over the summer months.
The summer slide happens when students do not spend time each week using their reading and math skills to keep them strong. It is essential that students practice these skills.
The Summer Bridge Program helps stop the summer slide. It helps students retain as well as acquire reading and mathematics skills that promote academic excellence, encourage self-confidence and introduce strategies that foster student proficiency.
Mondays and Wednesdays
Reading Support
Arts and Crafts
This & That
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Math Support
Arts & Crafts
This & That
We also offer:
Breakfast and Lunch
Transportation [Door-to-Door]
Summer Student Statistics
Our students make great strides during our summer learning programming. We focus on ensuring that they're next year in school is better than the last. Check out what we were able to do for our students this summer!

Woodcock Reading Mastery Test – 3 rd Ed
Students’ instructional reading level grade equivalent increase ranged from .3. to 1.5 instructional reading level.

Comprehensive -Mathematics Ability Test
Students’ average grade increased based on assessment ranged from .4 grade to 2.1 grades.
Tutoring Impact Analysis August 2023
Prepared by Perrynorm Analysis
STAR Reading Testing
Overall Reading test scores saw mixed results with scaled scores increasing but grade equivalency scores did not increase. Both tutored and non-tutored students saw decreased performance from winter to spring.
STAR Mathematics Testing
Overall tutored students saw a 3-point increase in their scaled score and a 10% in their grade equivalency rating compared to non-tutored students seeing a 4 point increase and a 4% decrease in their grade equivalency
Overall, the impact of the Math Tutoring saw larger improvements than the reading program. Consistently tutored students saw double the increase in their STAR Math performance of non-tutored students. Also, the deficiency gap of math scores closed significantly between tutored and non-tutored students.
We'd love to serve your child in our next summer program! Submit your information below to be notified when registration opens for the 2024 summer.